Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

car insurance

How-To: Lower Auto Insurance Cost

Tips for Lowering Your Car Insurance

Car insurance can be costly but there are some ways that you can save money on your auto insurance. Some factors that influence your insurance rate you can’t control, such as gender, age and record of prior claims but there certainly are other useful tips to do in order to lower your car insurance cost. Whether you are in the market for a new vehicle or are just looking to lower your insurance cost on your current vehicle, check out these tips for lowering your car insurance.  

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back to school

Safety Tips for Back-to-School Driving

Summer’s come to an end, and school is back in session. What exactly does that mean for our driving habits? We can think of two words – care and safety. Although this perfectly describes how we should be driving everyday, it’s even more important when a ton of children are involved. Our team here at Certified Autoplex put together a list of the top three safety tips to follow when driving in school zones. Read the rest of this entry >>

car accident

What are the signs of a staged car accident?

We know it sounds crazy, but staged car accidents are definitely a reality. Although they’re rare, these kinds of accidents do occur, and as a driver you should at least be knowledgeable of the possibility. Our team here at Certified Autoplex is going to highlight some of the main signs of a staged car accident to ensure our readers are always prepared when worse comes to worst. Read the rest of this entry >>

car being driven in the fall season

Safety Tips for Driving in the Fall

The leaves are changing colors and the temperature is starting to drop, which can only mean one thing – Fall is right around the corner. Although it may seem silly, there are definitely a few things we should keep in mind as drivers during these next few months that are different than the rest of the year. Our team here at Certified Autoplex is going to share some safety tips for drivers during Fall.

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front view of the sedan

What are the benefits of driving a sedan?

If you’re starting to sense a theme, you’re definitely picking up on our hints. Our team here at Certified Autoplex has already explored the benefits of driving an SUV and a pickup truck, so we figured it would only be fair to share our opinions on the benefits of driving a sedan. If you’re looking for a smaller, more traditional vehicle option, then a sedan is sure to be the perfect fit for you. Read the rest of this entry >>

motion sickness

How-To: Prevent Motion Sickness While Driving

Motion sickness is the car most commonly affects children, but adults can also suffer from this condition. Our team here at Certified Autoplex is going to explore ways to minimize the effects of motion sickness in the car by sharing ways to recognize it and eliminate it when it comes. Be sure to check out this blog in order to have a much more enjoyable road trip for the whole family. Read the rest of this entry >>

How-To: Parallel Park in Six Easy Steps

We’ve all been in the situation before where the only parking spot open requires that you parallel park. The catch is that you’re in the middle of downtown, and traffic is relentless. Everyone in the car is cheering you on, but you’ve never been one to parallel park. That’s where we come in. Our team here at Certified Autoplex is going to share six easy steps to master the art of parallel parking. Read the rest of this entry >>

buy a used car

How-To: Increase Your Vehicle’s Resale Value

If you’re thinking about selling your car, there are a few things you should consider doing before putting it on the market. Our team here at Certified Autoplex has seen its fair share of used vehicles, so we know what you should do in order to increase your vehicle’s resale value. We’re going to share some helpful hints in hopes of drivers getting the most for the vehicle they’re trying to sell. Read the rest of this entry >>