car cleaning

How-To: Clean and Organize Your Vehicle

We spend a lot of time in our cars, which is why they’re such a big part of our lives. In order to go anywhere such as work, school or even just to the grocery store, we have to drive. The average american drives about 30 miles per day, which adds up to multiple hours behind the wheel each week. With all that time spent in the car, it has to get messy and unorganized eventually. We’re here to share a few helpful tips on how to clean and organize your vehicle because it’s somewhere you spend a lot of time whether you realize it or not. Read the rest of this entry >>

used cars

Steps to Buying a Used Vehicle

It’s time. As a budget-conscious driver, you’ve decided now is the perfect time to start the shopping process for your next used vehicle. We call it a process because that’s exactly what it is. There’s a lot of steps involved in buying a used car, but our team here at Certified Autoplex has plenty of expertise to offer in this department. Here are five steps to follow in order to flawlessly pick out and purchase your next used vehicle. Read the rest of this entry >>

dog in car

How-To: Safely Travel With Pets in the Car

If your pets are a huge part of your life, then we completely understand if you’d want to take them along for your next camping trip or family getaway. Since you’ve made the decision to bring your pet along in the car, you’ll want to be sure you’re following proper safety procedure in order to keep your animal safe on the road. Let’s explore further ideas on how to safety travel with your pet in the car. Read the rest of this entry >>

teen driver

Simple Advice for Teen Drivers

Simply put, we were all teen drivers at one point, which is why it’s important for us to pay it forward by spreading our knowledge and wisdom with new teen drivers any change we get. Our team here at Certified Autoplex is going to share our top three tips for new teen drivers in order to get your own ideas rolling. Spark the conversation with your teen driver; we promise you won’t regret it!

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Campgrounds near Carrollton, TX

Camping is a summertime treat, and there are so many campgrounds near Carrollton that we think you should definitely take advantage of this year. Our team here at Certified Autoplex is working hard to provide our readers with information on tons of local events and activities, and this time we’re focusing on camping. Here’s a few of our favorite spots we found within a half hour of Carrollton.

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Phone and Driving

How-To: Avoid Distractions While Driving

It may seem like common sense, but in this day and age we have so many distractions right at our fingertips that it’s becoming more difficult to stay focused behind the wheel. Our team here at Certified Autoplex thought it would be a good idea to take the time to share a few tips on how to avoid distractions while driving in order to make our roadways safer for everyone.

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