New vehicles come with some cool and extremely fun technology, including keyless ignition and push-button start. But what happens if you lose your keyfob? The answer depends on the situation. For example, you will have a very different experience if you lose your keyfob BEFORE you get in the car or afterward. Simply put, if you lose the keyfob that enables your push-button start before you try to drive in your car, then you simply won’t be able to start your vehicle. However, what happens if you lose your keyfob while driving? That’s a very different answer, and we have found a video that answers (and demonstrates) that exact situation.
What happens if you lose your keyfob while driving?
While the exact answer to this question may depend on the vehicle that you own, in this video with a small Ford car, the vehicle continued to run even when the keyfob was thrown out the window, but it would not start again after the keyfob was out of the cabin. Check this situation out in the video below for a longer breakdown of the situation.
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